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Make it good (game)
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05/17/14 11:12 pm - Last edited 05/17/14 11:19 pm by NaturalFilter


Group: Member
Posts: 83
Here's the rules. You post a pokemon that has some redeemable qualities about it, and everyone tries to make it into a OU pokemon (compared to pokemon twilight pokemon) Oh, the rest of the pokemon should be lackluster. I'll start. I'll use stats, but you can add abilities and moves when you get to making up yours. The winner of each round shall be the next to post. So here's mine Oh! Almost forgot. You cannot change what's already there Hp 110 Attack 75 Defense 75 Special attack 75 Special defense 75 Speed 115
05/19/14 01:14 amFilter - Reply #1

Guild Member


Group: Member
Posts: 833
I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. Are we all basically supposed to build the Pokemon from scratch? If so, then I can suggest a Water/Mystic typing. The HP and Speed would give it enough versatility as either a wall or a sweeper of some kind.

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05/19/14 01:52 am - Last edited 05/21/14 09:24 pm by NaturalFilter - Reply #2
Group: Member
I guess this was a half-baked forum game idea I didn't think through...or I didn't complete with information. I'll think of something else to add to it to give people more I formation to work with. I just thought maybe giving freedom to go nuts would be the best idea. Guess I was wrong I'll give it more to work with tomorrow Edit: I guess its...bug/psychic or something
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