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PT 5.016
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06/02/14 08:08 pm - Last edited 06/04/14 03:59 am by KaBob799Filter

Dual Master


Group: Admin
Posts: 1027
What started out as a small idea spiraled out of control into the brand new, super fancy Pokemon Twilight 5.016! This version includes a ton of bug fixes and tweaks to the game to make things better than they ever were before. As far as future PT news goes, v5.5 is still the primary focus but some changes to which types are strong/weak against other types are planned and will probably be included in a 5.017 update (which will also fix any new bugs introduced by this update) at some point in the future. Other than that, I consider 5.016 to be the definitive release of PT v5.0 and don't plan on doing any other changes before v5.5. Download PT 5.016 Changelog: A yellow surprise and a blue surprise Renamed ghost type to spirit type and dragon type to mythic type (other type renames will be saved for either v5.017 or v5.5) Switched from the gen 2-3 physical/special system to the gen 4+ one. Fixed an issue where non-damaging attacks would have incorrect accuracy Fixed an issue where the prototype hm and the false swipe tm shared the same item id, making it impossible to obtain both. If you were affected by this glitch, head to where the prototype hm is found to obtain whichever one you missed. Fixed an issue where you might end up in the wrong location or receive an error when flying Fixed using an escape rope while surfing Fixed an issue where you could fly out of a few caves Fixed an issue where npcs would continue to block your way after moving if you held down a direction key Fixed an issue where the walking animation looked a bit weird when walking only one square Reduced the volume of the pokedex scrolling beep Added pokedex entries for warmy, worgeddon, myraid, caribell Made it so all newly generated webtrix and triantuslash will be male (female webtrix will be re-added in v5.5) F4 will now toggle full screen mode Holding F9 down for a little while will now save a screenshot to a folder (inside the folder your exe is located in) Fixed an issue where npcs would turn to face you while walking Improved the sound/music volume code Added a sound effect for super effective and critical hits Status effect changes: Fire type pokemon cannot be burned, ice type pokemon cannot be frozen, poison and steel type cannot be poisoned, electric types cannot be paralyzed by electric type attacks, light types cannot be blinded by light type attacks. Flash now has a 5% chance of causing blind Minor improvements to the opponent AI Added a few new items and attacks Speed modification moves such as rock polish now actually effect speed Fixed glitches with fire/ice/thunder fang and magnitude Fixed an issue with the type chart code Partially fixed moves that increase/decrease more than one stat (ex: calm mind) and fixed an error in swords dance Added 15% blind chance to particle beam Adjusted some moves to closer match gen 6 Fixed seismic toss Some minor optimizations in code and file size

This user has donated to Pycosupersniper
06/03/14 03:52 amFilter - Reply #1

Guild Member


Group: Member
Posts: 757
Donor: This user has donated to Pyco
Thank you for the update.

PT SERVER: USA (Central) - ss: Offline Image
06/03/14 07:15 am - Last edited 06/03/14 07:25 am by ArkZephyrFilter - Reply #2



Group: Member
Posts: 285
Wow,New update By the way,there's a server problem.

*PT RULES!!!!!!!!!* Image Please give a pokedollar,if you could be so kind!
This user has donated to Pycosupersniper
06/05/14 02:29 amFilter - Reply #3

Group: Member
Donor: This user has donated to Pyco
what's the server issue?
06/05/14 08:31 pmFilter - Reply #4

Group: Member
When you log in,it says that you are using an outdated version.
06/06/14 08:16 amFilter - Reply #5

Group: Admin
I have uploaded a new version of PT 5.016 that fixes the server issue as well as a minor movement glitch.
Sasuke Itachi
06/06/14 09:36 amFilter - Reply #6

Guild Apprentice


Group: Member
Posts: 410
Nice update! Still looking forward to a small update in which online battles are implemented.

Pantheon, please give me 1 Pokedollar! :-) Thank you! :-D Image Highest lvl pokemon: lvl 56 Infernox Got all fully evolved starters! Got all rare and ultra rare pokemon! Got Mechasnap and Slagtite! Got over 95 hours of play! :)
06/06/14 10:32 amFilter - Reply #7

Group: Member
Thanks for the server fix
06/06/14 01:23 pmFilter - Reply #8


Group: Member
Posts: 83
what are the yellow and blue surprises? is it in plain site like a new pokemon on an old route, or do we have to look deeper?
06/06/14 08:52 pm - Last edited 06/06/14 10:40 pm by KaBob799Filter - Reply #9

Group: Admin
One is in plain sight, the other is a bit harder to figure out but should become easier once you figure out the other one.
06/09/14 07:43 am - Last edited 06/09/14 07:43 am by CoronationFilter - Reply #10

Guild Member


Group: Member
Posts: 833
Yeah this version of PT's really cool - lots of minor changes that may not be noticeable at first glance but are are really cool when you do see them Drew a semi-quick picture on one of the surprises - I'll put it in a spoiler box:
The Blue Surprise

Image12/7/2020 -Officially reopened! Why not stop by for a look? Image Image Parsley ♀ the MeowscaradaStarbloom ♀ the AzumarillMarigold the GholdengoButtercup ♀ the TinkatonAstrantia ♀ the CorviknightCoronaria ♂ the Espeon Silphion the Miraidon
☀ Pokemon Violet - The Treasured Florilegium ☀
06/11/14 12:48 pmFilter - Reply #11

Group: Member
Fossfian is available?
06/11/14 03:16 pmFilter - Reply #12

Group: Member
If you want to get one, you need to get its previous evolution to Lv. 40 and make sure it's on land when you evolve it.
06/12/14 12:23 pmFilter - Reply #13

Group: Member
11/25/14 02:00 pmFilter - Reply #14
Jr. Trainer


Group: Member
Posts: 25
I just want the surver to be usable soon.
12/03/14 07:19 pmFilter - Reply #15

Jr. Trainer


Group: Member
Posts: 34
The sever thing still doesn't work for me. And I have PT 5_016.

--------------------------------------------------- Pokémon Twilight Makes Pokémon Even Better! :D The Pokémon Twilight Series: Pokémon Twilight: Heroes United. (Made By Me.) Remember to read my posts!!! My highest level Pokémon: 
12/04/14 01:46 pmFilter - Reply #16

Group: Member
It's not by the update dude. Someone has to manage the server.
This user has donated to Pycosupersniper
12/05/14 02:45 pmFilter - Reply #17

Group: Member
Donor: This user has donated to Pyco
I turned it back on. Was having laptop issues
12/05/14 06:33 pmFilter - Reply #18

Group: Member
Anyone who wanted to check out the server should try it out Playing with my friends and seeing the Christmas event for the first time was probably the reason I decided to hang around XD Also, if I'm on the shoutbox or whatever, there's no need to feel shy if you want me to get on or something
12/16/14 06:27 pmFilter - Reply #19



Group: Member
Posts: 67
Too bad I am awake, when everyone else is sleeping.

Image I wish I could catch a shiny Spickle one day...
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