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Mouse Sidescrolling Game
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09/15/08 06:57 pmFilter



Group: Member
Posts: 288
If you have a creative idea for a story I'd love to hear it. I need a them such as dairy products for example. A story of why your escaping. And what everything should be (asteroids, you, red spaceship, blue spaceship) If you have another idea for something i should add...tell me, I'll probably add. Here is the game if you haven't already played it. Image If you can't come up with a story it would be helpful if you could give me advice on what to improve. ~ZSStudios

Image Image
11/19/08 04:50 amFilter - Reply #1



Group: Member
Posts: 198
I'll try to get one once I have to time.

My signature.. It's like, a bulletin board.. only with no tacks, isn't hanging on a wall, and has stuff typed on it. And advertises stuff. oh but its empty now kthx
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