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Dungeon Game
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Bouncy Ball
12/12/11 05:25 am - Last edited 12/12/11 05:26 am by Bouncy BallFilter



Group: Mod
Posts: 4057
In my free time (when I am not spriting) of which I have oh so very little, I have been working on a procedural dungeon generator...
Mandatory screenshot
I am making it in C# with XNA which works on Windows and Xbox360s. I just thought I'd post a screenshot of my progress. Right now I am working on special cases for creating rooms eg a circle room that has a fountain in the middle that has paths coming from specific places. Still, I am failing in the graphics department because I can't model things. But either way, I guess if there is a purpose to this topic, it is this: are there any of you with experience in C# and/or procedural creation that would like to talk here about how you would go about trying to create a dungeon? Also, if you would like to donate models, those are welcome too.

This user has donated to Pycosupersniper
12/14/11 08:44 pmFilter - Reply #1

Guild Member


Group: Member
Posts: 757
Donor: This user has donated to Pyco
ahh c# i remember c# if you need any programming help hit me up.

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Bouncy Ball
12/27/11 04:19 am - Last edited 12/28/11 05:41 am by Bouncy BallFilter - Reply #2

Group: Mod
The major problem I am confronting is how to fill the procedural world that I am creating with item and monsters and details like torches, chests, etc. To solve this, I am trying an approach suggested on [here]. I have made a Content Pipeline Extension so that I can import simple files into a Blueprint class.
Files Explanation
I will therefore be able to use tags and generators to find specific items that are appropriate to the situation. I intend to combine this system with the idea suggested [here]. That is, I will make blueprint system be able to hold what a specific rooms layout would be, but allow it to expand and contract. At a base level this would look like this:
Room Blueprint Example
As is obvious, I am not sure how I want to represent contents that can expand and contract. I could try and make an array for each size, but that defeats the purpose of this. I like's way of using struts, springs, and collapsing sections to represent a room conceptually. However, I am not sure how this could translate into code. Any ideas people? I need to be able to add an 2D array of the items and their connections between them, but I am not sure what the best way to approach this is.
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