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The Game Maker's Pitfall - Showing Replies by Iasper
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08/01/12 12:43 pmFilter



Group: Member
Posts: 142
Game Making is without a doubt one of the greatest experiences I have ever had in the life -- but to this date I have only completed 1 game (and discarded at least 50 games). The most common reason why this continues to happen (and I'm sure that I'm not alone here) is because during the design phase of the game I am currently making I suddenly decide "Hey, I've got an idea'. How often does anyone else do this? Neglect their current project to satisfy their needs to unleash their creativity into a new one? Now, normally new ideas are good. The reason they're not in this case is because you can end up with 5 different projects going at the same time which almost always results in 'burn out'. What I'm meaning by that is you have mentally exhausted yourself by trying to program and bug fix the vast amount of projects that you've started and your brain simply decides that what you are doing is no longer fun. As the cycle goes I typically delete the projects from my hard drive or simply neglect them to the netherworld. So, what are your guys experiences with trying to say no to your new ideas?
Showing Replies by Iasper - Return to Full Replies
08/01/12 08:47 pmFilter - Reply #1

Dual Master


Group: Member
Posts: 1099
Whenever I have an idea, I try to add it to the game I'm working on. If I have another "great" idea I'd rather work on than the current project, it just means my previous idea wasn't good enough and it actually wasn't worth continuing.

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